
May is National Nurses Month

Home > Blog > Community > May is National Nurses Month
Posted on April 19, 2020 by Laura Lucky

Well isn’t it a wonderful coincidence? A couple of years ago, the World Health Organization had designated 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse.” It was done in honor of the upcoming 200th birth anniversary of nursing legend Florence Nightingale, and the American Nurses Association (ANA) has been developing celebrations and commemorations of the nursing profession for this special year.

With the month of May upon us, it’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate and honor these amazing, selfless heroes who are working exhaustively to care for the hundreds of thousands of victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. You see, May 6th through May 12th of every year has traditionally been National Nurses Week. Because 2020 was designated at the “Year of the Nurse,” National Nurses Week had been expanded this year to a month-long recognition for the entire month of May.
But it doesn’t just end there. May 10th through May 16th is traditionally designated as National Hospital Week and May 17th through May 23rd has been recognized each year as National EMS Week.

As the pandemic has proliferated here in the U.S., our medical personnel have been working around the clock caring for the sick and critically ill. Looking for a way to thank and honor these exhausted individuals while still practicing social distancing and shelter in place?

Nurse practitioner Tari Brodsky started a “Pics for Providers” campaign in an effort to encourage the community to show their appreciation for the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers during this unprecedented pandemic. To participate, simply create a drawing, a picture, any type of art, even a letter…anything that shows your gratitude and encouragement. Simply snap a photo of it and email it to And from the bottom of OUR hearts as well: “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

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  • Matt Lucky
  • Laura Lucky
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    Scottsdale, AZ 85255

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